HTCP Level III Trainer Clinic

The NOHA is pleased to announce that a Hockey Trainers Certification Program (HTCP) Level III Full Course has been scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 25, 2020 in North Bay. The HTCP Level III Clinic is an advanced program providing the participant the opportunity to enhance their skill and knowledge level through group discussions and hands-on experience. The HTCP Level III Trainers Certification is not a requirement at any level within the NOHA, however, it is strongly recommended for trainers who want to work or are working with Bantam AAA, Midget AAA, and Junior-A teams. Topics to be covered include:
Practical Nutrition
Shoulder and Knee Injuries
Head/Neck/Spinal Injuries
Severe Lacerations
Introduction to Athletic Taping
Practical Taping Session
Participant Fee NOHA Members $132.74 + HST ($150.00). The fee includes lunch and dinner, as well as the HTCP Level III Manual, Nancy Clark Nutrition Book and Athletic Taping/Bracing Book. This cost has been reduced significantly through a subsidy received by the NOHA Board of Directors. Non-NOHA Members $265.49 + HST ($300.00). Facilitator – Chuck Dufton Chuck has been involved with the Ontario Trainers Program almost since its inception in 1988. Throughout his tenure with Hockey Eastern Ontario (previously Ottawa District Hockey Association), he has been involved in all aspects of training from house league to the National Hockey League. He is the HEO’s trainer coordinator and Master Course Conductor, as well as a Subject Matter Expert with the Hockey Canada Safety Program. Hockey Canada has called upon him to assist in various symposiums across the country. Chuck’s dedication to the sport, the training program, and Risk and Safety Education continues to have a positive influence on all trainers/safety individuals in the HEO branch. Chuck has delivered the last five HTCP Level III Trainer Clinics in the NOHA. Registration If you are a registered on a team within the NOHA and would like to attend the HTCP Level III Trainers Clinic, please register here. If you have any questions or if you are from outside the NOHA and would like to register for the Clinic, please contact NOHA Technical Director Andrew Corradini at or (705) 474-8851. The final day to register is March 13, 2020