NOHA FREE Timekeeper Clinics
The NOHA is pleased to announce three FREE Timekeeper clinics this fall. There will be two introductory sessions and one advanced session.

Inaugural Ken Miller Memorial Award - Stacy Jackson, North Bay
The inaugural Ken Miller Memorial Award was given to Stacy Jackson of North Bay.

NOHA Officiating Development Weekend Recap
The NOHA Officiating Program proudly hosted our Officiating Development Camp during the Annual NOHA Development Weekend, August 9-11, in...

NOHA Officiating Clinics Now Open!
The NOHA has launched our officiating clinic registration for the 2024-2025 season.

Registration is Open for the NOHA Officiating Development Weekend - August 9-11, 2024 - North Bay
The Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) will host its annual Development Camp for Officials and Level 3 Upgrade Clinic in conjunction

NOHA Official of the Month - Kyra Bolton
Congratulations to the NOHA's Official of the Month for January, 2024, Kyra Bolton of North Bay! Kyra ,15, is currently in her first year...

Congratulations to NOHA Officials Selected for Hockey Canada OPOE Camps
Congratulations to the NOHA Officials selected to attend Hockey Canada's OPOE Camps. Brendan Kane of Sault Ste. Marie has been selected...

NOHA Official of the Month - Levi Landry
Congratulations to the NOHA’s Official of the Month for December, 2023, Levi Landry of Haileybury. Levi,15, is currently in his first...

NOHA Official of the Month - Felix St-Onge
Congratulations to the NOHA's Official of the Month for November, 2023, Felix St-Onge! Felix currently resides in Sudbury and is in his...

Official of the Month Nominations Now Open
The NOHA is currently accepting nominations for Official of the Month. Officials nominated should be between the ages of 14-17 and have a...