NCCP Learning Facilitator Recruitment - 2018

The Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) is seeking applications for the position of National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) Learning Facilitator for the 2018/2019 season and beyond.
In order to identify the most qualified individuals, the NOHA has put in place an application process. To apply, please fill out the enclosed Application Form. Keep in mind that by filling out this Application Form, you are not automatically an NCCP Learning Facilitator but rather have agreed that you are nominating yourself to become one.
Please submit, with your application:
A detailed resumé, including any coaching experience, references, professional development (seminars/courses), or other instructing experience that could be relevant to this position.
The deadline to submit your application to the NOHA Office is June 29, 2018.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact NOHA Technical Director, Andrew Corradini at (705) 474-8851 or at